A thriving community for MLC parents
The MLC Parents' Association provides year-round opportunities for parents to engage with the College community through a wide range of events and special interest groups. The MLC Parents’ Association and associated Parent Sub Committees play a vital role in building a thriving community with our students at the core of all activities.
All MLC parents automatically become members of the Parents' Association and are welcome to attend meetings, which take place once or twice a Term, and events throughout the year. In joining the Parents’ Association, you become part of the long and proud history of parent involvement at MLC.
Becoming involved in the Association, one of its Sub Committees, or simply attending one of our events is a great way to meet parents, not only from your year level but across the College from ELC through to Year 12. Through the Parents’ Association, you will develop friendships that you will take with you when your daughter finishes their educational journey at MLC.
MLC’s educational success is underpinned by the strong relationships the College forges with current parents. The MLC Parents’ Association looks forward to welcoming you into the MLC community.

Our community's warm, diverse and inclusive culture has led to the formation of many Sub Committees whose ventures support their daughters’ diverse activities and interests.
The JSPC provides parents and guardians with the opportunity to meet other families in their year level and across the wider school community by organising events and activities for parents and families to attend throughout the year. The JSPC welcomes new families to the school, raises funds for specific junior school programs and promotes and supports school and PA events. With a system of volunteers including Committee Members, Class Representatives and Year Level Liaisons, getting involved in the JSPC is a rewarding and enjoyable experience.
The Boarders’ Parents Committee aims to provide support and social interaction for boarding families alongside fundraising activities for the Boarding House. Due to our wide geographic spread around the globe, communication and organisation is mainly conducted online.
The MLC Community Care Group (CCG) was set up to promote MLC values within the school community. It is an extension of the counselling and support services provided by the school. If any of our MLC Community (all families and staff) need help, the CCG are there to make things a bit easier, by providing a meal service, running errands, or walking your family dog for as long as required.
MLC has a vibrant and exciting Art and Design Department. Its program is enhanced by the involvement of the Friends of Art (FOA), a group of parents and staff who generously volunteer both their time and skills. FOA supports the work of the students, staff and community by offering a number of activities and events throughout the year, both online and across the campus.
The Friends of Music is a long-standing partnership between the MLC Music Department and the Parents Association, whose aim is to showcase the musical skills of our very talented daughters. Each year we hold two major events to fulfil this aim.
First, the Choirs and Canapes event held in May brings together the year-level and auditioned choirs to perform classical and contemporary pieces in an auditorium-style environment, preceded by a glass of champagne and delicious canapes among parents.
And second, the Winter Cabaret delivers a wonderful array of student bands and ensembles who entertain guests in a live cabaret with fabulous food and a fantastic atmosphere. All of the money raised from these events provides support for musical instruments and music prizes, so it is a worthwhile group to be part of.
The Friends of Snow Sports support and promote the enjoyment of, and competition in, Snow Sports at MLC.
We encourage close communication between the International Parent Group, the College, and students in order to foster a greater understanding and support the College community. We also value the opportunity to promote significant cultural events to MLC Parent and Student community.
Kayaking at MLC was established in 1993. It is a steadily growing program that enjoys support from students, staff and parents. The program focuses on flat water paddling and training for sprint and marathon races, including the State and National Championships. As an active Parent Support Group, and sub-committee of the MLC Parents' Association, Kayak Club assists kayaking staff and students in many ways, including fundraising, assistance at races and social activities.
The Deaf Integration Support Group (DISG) comprises parents and staff who work together to ensure the best outcomes for the students involved in the Deaf Integration Program. Parent volunteers are actively involved with organising social and fundraising events.
Lost Property is operated by parent volunteers once a week during term time to enable students to reclaim unnamed items. This includes items of uniform, casual clothing, and other sundry items such as glasses, jewellery, watches, pencil cases, shoes and sports equipment.
The Silver Star Rowing Club is an enthusiastic parent support group for the MLC Rowing Program. The Club promotes the enjoyment of and competition in rowing by MLC girls. The Club proactively raises funds that contribute towards purchasing boats, oars and equipment for the rowing squad. The Club also organises a range of events to foster a sense of community among MLC's rowing families. These events include a season-opening celebration, boat christening, Sunday Sippers, brunches at the rowing sheds, Head of Schoolgirls dinner and tent catering, and an Annual End of Season Presentation Night.
Our Year Level Liaisons act as the social contact for other parents in their year, spanning Prep to Year 12.