A world-class education starts here
As a leader in girls' education, our unmatched breadth of learning and wellbeing experiences, and environments inspires and supports MLC students to find and nurture their individual interests and talents, forge their own paths and realise their full potential.
We encourage you to apply as soon as possible to secure your position on the wait list. In line with MLC's Enrolment Policy, preference is given to early applications and those with a family connection to the College.
Key Points
- MLC has main intake entry points at Prep, Year 5 and Year 7 and a minor intake in Year 3. Places can occasionally become available at other year levels.
- The MLC enrolment process begins when an application has been completed online, and the $100 application fee has been received.
- We recommend contacting Admissions where applications are submitted less than three (3) years before the desired entry year.
Apply Online
Confirmation of intention to enrol
Acceptance and confirmation of enrolment
Pre-commencement meeting
Welcome and Orientation
Apply Online
To apply, please submit an online application via our Application Portal form. This is a straightforward process and should only take 5-10 minutes.
Once we have received a completed application, including payment of the application fee ($100), your daughter will be placed on a waiting list. Please note that we cannot put your daughter on the list without completing this step in full.
Confirmation of intention to enrol
Approximately three (3) years before your nominated year of entry*, the College will make contact to confirm your intention to enrol. At this stage, you will be asked to complete the Pre-Enrolment Student Statement, which collects additional information such as school reports and birth certificate, and an official Immunisation History Statement if entering our ELC or Junior School.
A formal offer of enrolment may be made, and parents will be asked to confirm the place. Offers not accepted by the due date may be passed to other applicants.
Acceptance and confirmation of enrolment
An offer can only be confirmed once the signed Enrolment Agreement and the non-refundable Enrolment Fee payment has been received. A $1,250 Enrolment Fee is charged for the first child and $1,000 for every other child in your family.
Pre-commencement meeting
Students and their families will be invited into the College for a meeting with a leadership executive of her relevant School. This meeting aims to understand your daughter's interests and talents and support her transition into MLC.
Every student entering Year 7 is also asked to sit a General Ability Test (GAT), which helps us ensure we can meet your daughter's individual learning needs.
Approximately 18 months prior to commencement, a Tuition Fee in Advance is payable of $3,500 per student. This is credited against the second invoice for the student and families are advised of the payment date in advance.
Welcome and Orientation
MLC is a welcoming and friendly place. We ensure your daughter is familiar with the College, and all new students will attend an Orientation Day before their first day. There are also parent information sessions.
* Note for Non-intake entry years process
For non-intake entry years, the application is the same; however, our Admissions team will be in touch one (1) year before commencement to start the enrolment process. In addition, an informal interview with the relevant Head of School will also occur before a formal offer is made.
Kindle application information
The College accepts applications during pregnancy. 2026 Entry Applications have now closed.
Please Note: If you wish your daughter to attend both MLC Kindle and the College (Prep-Year 12), please submit an Application, selecting the attendance type as "Day Student (Kindle)". This will enable you to also select a College entry year.
Our Toddler Room (18 months to 3 years) is not an intake year - no applications will be accepted for this year level.
Apply now
This form allows families to apply online and pay via credit card. A non-refundable fee of $100 will be charged per application for local students. Once the College has received all information, your application will be processed, and the Admissions office will be in touch to discuss its progress.
Yes, all applicants are automatically put on a waiting list until MLC Admissions begins the enrolment process for the year of interest. Please refer to the College's Enrolment Policy for more information.
Students are placed on our waiting list according to the date we receive your completed Application for Admission.
Enrolments are processed three years before commencement for intake years (Prep, Year 5 and Year 7), at which time MLC Admissions will contact families to confirm interest and begin the enrolment process. If year levels are at capacity, families who have not been offered a place will remain on the waiting list. MLC Admissions will then make contact with the next waitlisted family if a vacancy occurs. Places at MLC are offered in order of the date of application.
A family connection to the College gives students a two-year advantage on the waiting list (one year advantage for Kindle applications). Please refer to the College's Enrolment Policy for more information.
MLC is not an academically selective school; all students are welcome to apply. Every student entering the College for Year 7 is asked to sit a General Ability Test (GAT) one to two years before entry, which helps us ensure we can meet your daughter's individual learning needs.
Yes, each year, we offer many academic, music/academic, sport, dramatic arts, science, boarding, Indigenous and means-tested principal scholarships for current and new students.
Find out more about scholarships at MLC.