Misleading news reports

Misleading news reports

October 21st, 2024

Recent media reports included claims that Methodist Ladies’ College (MLC) students were told to remove Christian jewellery because it was offensive, while others were attending school wearing furry ears and tails.

These statements are false and irresponsible.

MLC is a proudly Christian girls’ school. We do not find Christian symbols offensive.

We aim to apply a consistent uniform policy that prohibits visible jewellery. We do not have any students attending school wearing furry tails and ears.

 We want to clarify and affirm the following:

  1. MLC’s Christian Identity
    MLC is a non-denominational Christian school where our Christian heritage shapes a community of compassion, respect, and inclusion. It anchors College life and guides students’ faith and spiritual formation through activities such as chapel services in our on-campus chapel, religious education in the curriculum, and student leadership roles.

  2. Jewellery
    MLC’s uniform policy prohibits students from wearing jewellery (beyond a watch and studs/sleepers). This policy applies equally to all students and is not related to religion or any individual’s beliefs. It ensures that every student adheres to the same standard of presentation, fostering unity within our diverse community.

  3. Uniform Policy
    MLC students are not permitted to wear “ears and tails” as part of the academic uniform. MLC does not allow wearing non-uniform items as part of our academic or sport dress unless special permission is granted. The only exceptions to the uniform policy are items mandated by religious practice or directed by health professionals. Our uniform policy is only relaxed for special events, such as House days and free dress days.

  4. Inclusion and Respect
    We are proud to welcome students from a wide range of faiths, backgrounds, and experiences. MLC remains deeply committed to ensuring that every student feels respected and supported and upholding our shared values through our policies and practices.

We encourage anyone with questions or concerns to contact the College directly so we can address them promptly.

Thank you for your ongoing support as we continue to nurture a positive and inclusive environment for all students.

Julia Shea