Our commitment to child safety
MLC is committed to providing students with a safe and nurturing environment in which to prosper and thrive. This environment exists as a result of the wellbeing roles and structures in place, sound wellbeing policies and processes and the delivery of a comprehensive student wellbeing program.
We are committed to the safety and wellbeing of all children and young people. We are committed to providing a child safe and child friendly environment, where children and young people are safe and feel safe and are able to actively participate in decisions that affect their lives.
We have a zero tolerance for child abuse and other harm and are committed to acting in students’ best interests and keeping them safe from harm.
The College regards its child safety responsibilities with the utmost importance and is committed to providing the necessary resources to ensure compliance with all relevant child safety and wellbeing laws and regulations and maintaining a child safe culture.
Each member of the College community has a responsibility to understand the important and specific role that they play individually, and collectively, to ensure that the wellbeing and safety of all students is at the forefront of all that they do, and every decision that they make.
Our child safe culture
At MLC we believe that the safety of children is dependent on the existence of a child safe culture within our College community. We have developed the following work systems, practices, policies and procedures designed to create a child safe culture including:
- A holistic approach to child safety through our Child Safe Program
- The appointment of the College's Child Protection Officers and a Senior Child Protection Officer
- Establishing key child safety standards in our MLC Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy
- Establishing clear expectations for appropriate behaviour with students through our Child Safe Code of Conduct and Staff and Student Professional Boundaries Policy
- Educating our Board, staff and Direct Contact Volunteers through our Child Safety Training
- clear procedures for reporting alleged or suspected incidents of child abuse
- Recognition that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, students from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds and LGBTIQ+ students have the right to special care and support
- Recognition that children who have any kind of disability have the right to special care and support
- Clearly defining the roles and responsibilities of personnel involved in protecting children and allocating roles and responsibilities for implementing our child safe strategies
- Establishing comprehensive child safety record keeping procedures to ensure that the College can evidence reasonable precautions taken to prevent abuse and other harm at the College in accordance with our child safety risk management strategies
- Ensuring our human resources practices and procedures promote child safety
- Undertaking regular reviews to ensure continuous improvement of the Child Safe Program and our child safety practices
Members of the MLC Community should refer to the following document for further guidance on how to report a child safety incident or concern: Child Abuse Reporting Obligations - Guidance.
Our Procedure for Managing Child Safety Incidents or Concerns at or involving the College or its Staff, Volunteers or Contractors outlines how the College responds to child safety incidents and concerns.
To contact the College regarding any child safety concern, please email:
Key Documents and Policies:
- Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy
- Child Safe Code of Conduct
- Staff and Student Professional Boundaries Policy
- MLC Child Protection Incident Report Form
- Child Abuse Reporting Obligations - Guidance
- Procedure for Managing Child Safety Incidents or Concerns at or involving the College or its Staff, Volunteers or Contractors